Medicare choices can be overwhelming. As your local Medicare experts, we:
- Help you understand your many Medicare options, such as Supplemental Plans, Medicare Part C or Medicare Advantage Plans, and Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage)
- Evaluate your current medical and prescription needs
- Let you choose the plan which provides the greatest benefits
- Provide you with all the information needed to make the right choice
- Review pre-existing conditions, favorite doctors, closest hospitals, and traveling with your benefits
- Spend the additional time and care for your best interest, to insure you understand your benefits. This is a life-long relationship between us, you and in most cases, your family as well.
Additional benefits
- Dental
- Vision
- Silver Sneakers (gym program)
In today’s market, more options exist for Medicare members than ever before. The help of a trained healthcare specialist is invaluable in helping you make an informed and educated decision in regard to the benefits and plans that are available and best suited to your specific needs. As your local agents, we are licensed, trained and informed to help you receive all the benefits to which you are entitled, as well as provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.